Jim & Bob's Palatial Baseball Blog

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

What Death Said!

Death of the Goat Riders posted some great smack about Trib typist Rick Morrissey that I enthusiastically agree with. Death was reacting to Morrissey's latest screed about some football player, but the point still stands:

Rick Morrisey and his ilk have much bigger egos than we do, and they want to take some of the spotlight shining on the real story and pull it over to themselves. Tank Johnson is a criminal who's receiving special treatment? Rick Morrisey will always be there to criticise that, while - as Byron pointed out - ignoring that Tank Johnson is not alone, and other non-famous people receive "special treatment" all the time. Rex Grossman is in a big game? Rick Morrisey will be there to tell us that Rex is going to choke and is undeserving of the starting gig, not because he's right - looking at his numbers, Rex had a fine first year as a QB - but because Rick Morrisey wants the attention he gets from saying something so blatantly dumb.

It's an attention-whoring move, and I guess it worked this time since we're talking about Rick here on this blog. Were he to read this post - and I'm betting he will - Rick would be like a pig in shit, because I keep saying his name.

Anyway, there's nothing wrong with criticising, if the criticism is warranted. But people like Rick Morrisey are dishonest. People like Rick don't criticize because they strongly believe in what they are saying. They write their stories because they want to get attention.

Of course, this criticism can be levelled at a lot more sports journamalists. Must be an oocupational hazard...

One more thing -- Death includes a great bit of photo-shopped art. Especially if you're familiar with the source photo. Now that's comedy!


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