Jim & Bob's Palatial Baseball Blog

Thursday, December 14, 2006

An Open Letter to the Chicago Tribune

To: Chicago Tribune's Public Editor

From: Bob

I let it pass the first time I saw this error, but it made it into print again today. On time may be forgiven; twice indicates that someone isn’t bothering to pay attention.

A few weeks ago, Rick Morrissey wrote a column about Mark McGwire and mentioned that he did not want to tear down McGwire’s bust in Cooperstown like the Army tore down the statue of Hussein in Iraq.

Today, Mike Downey’s column asserts that if another 73 people had voted for Andre Dawson his bust would be in Cooperstown today.

Please inform these two scribes that the Baseball Hall of Fame does not honor its inductees with busts. I believe the NFL Hall does. But the hallowed hall of Cooperstown has always mounted plaques in its members’ honor.

Some may consider this a minor quibble. Am I asking too much to expect your newspaper’s writers and editors get such basic facts correct?


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