Jim & Bob's Palatial Baseball Blog

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Ask a Stupid Question…

While Dr. Phil was pounding out his puzzling defense of Dusty Baker, his fellow Tribune scribe Dave van Dyck was wasting time asking Cubs GM Jim Hendry pointless questions.

Here are a few of van Dyck’s queries:
Can you give a vote of confidence to Dusty Baker?

Who’s at fault for what has happened recently? Everybody? Nobody?

So you wouldn’t fault Dusty Baker more than anybody else?

Is there anything you can do, make a trade or shake up something?

Does it bother you, some of the mistakes that have been made, the lack of hitting in clutch situations?

Obviously, fans are up in arms, but you really don’t see this as the end of the season? Do you feel your team can salvage something?

Again, you don’t think a managerial change is going to help right now?
You can read Hendry’s answers for yourselves. I’m not going to bother with them here, because anyone with any experience listening to any general manager, coach, or manager can make a good guess about Hendry’s answers.

In the next few days, I’m sure we’ll hear from Cub Fan bent out of shape that Hendry wasn’t screaming at his staff or throwing things around the clubhouse (as Dr. Phil suggested Baker should do to get the team out of its lethargy). But, come on people, what do you expect him to say?

These are the kinds of questions I expect to hear on the WGN radio sports talk show. But those Cub Fans aren’t exactly the sharpest knives in the drawer. Meanwhile, van Dyck has his own press pass and Hall of Fame ballot and credit cards and everything. Is it too much to ask that he at least try to be slightly more insightful than Bill calling in from Cicero?


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