Jim & Bob's Palatial Baseball Blog

Sunday, June 25, 2006

No Shoes, No Pants, No Service

Rick Morrissey, Chicago Tribune:

One of the best and worst things that has happened to our society is the blog—best because everyone can have his say, not just us so-called experts; worst because everyone can say anything with almost no accountability...

I'll give Mariotti this: Whether he realizes it or not, he might have been the nation's first blogger, without actually writing one.

He has led the way by not leading the way to the locker room or the clubhouse. He writes what he wants without ever talking to a soul.

The only difference is he travels often to events, unlike bloggers, many of whom sit in their underwear all day and update, update, update.

Two things: first, it's hilarious that Morrissey should blather on about "accountability" so. Sure, it's one thing to have an athlete, manager, or executive chew you a new one if he doesn't agree with your column. It's quite another to write an asinine column that is completely wrong in every way...and then write another column a week later as if you had the whole thing pegged from day one, letting your earlier incorrectness fall down the memory hole.

Although I am a lowly blogger, I do my best to 'fess up when I'm wrong. I don't know if that makes me more "accountable" than Morrissey. But perhaps it makes me more intellectually honest.

Second, let the record show that when I am at the keyboard, I am always attired in pants (or, at the very least, shorts). Believe me, my co-workers thank me for that...


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