Jim & Bob's Palatial Baseball Blog

Friday, March 17, 2006

There's No Evidence Better Than Hearsay Evidence

Scoop Jackson at ESPN.com has it at least partly right.

Bud Selig is going to absolutely nothing about the Bonds allegations, because:

(a) they are hearsay, not the result of any kind of positive test.

(b) investigating further would be to open an whoop-ass sized can of worms, and

(c) nothing Bonds did was against the rules of baseball, which is Bud's domain. Should Bonds be convicted in a criminal court case, the matter would be different. But I don't see that happening, either.

Trying to punish a player, any player, for steroid use, in the absence of an actual failed test, would send Bud into a serious conflict with the MLBPA, one which he wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of winning in front of an arbitrator.

Getting into a battle that he has no chance of winning isn't Bud's style. Despite the media frenzy, he's not going to do it here.


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